Tuesday, May 31, 2011

End of May

Time flies fast, innit? I can't believe it is the end of May, I felt like I had been through an invisible temporal gate and flung me to the future in matter of seconds.

Lots of things have happened, both bad and good. I also got re-enlightenment and wonder how I have evolved in a wrong direction. False accretion, I have been tainted with my mind been invaded with so many conflicting ideas from numerous sources.

All this has happened before, it doesn't have to happen again.

I am starting anew (again). I have tried to empty my mind to zero and try to rediscover my former self: chipper, full of vibe, and pretty much pristine. Perhaps my affirmative personality has led those idealist in planting their extreme values to me. It's not one idealist but more than three. Heh, now you know how I always been judged and limited because of unnecessary inception thingy.

Starting anew, putting semi-permeable barrier in accepting ideas, and standing on my own bastion of independence, I shall re-start myself while still resuming the endless journey of life.

That would be all about me.

What about the screenshooting scene, you ask.
Same stuffs different day. Some fellow Shooters announced their temporary retirement, few complain about how the forum members have been doing wrong things ( I sense a drama in the making), others are still doing what Screenshooters do: posting their shots and supporting the others.
Me? Heh, my thread is buried. I don't mind about it even though someone openly oppose my thread, saying that he doesn't like my style.
I don't give a frak. In fact, I don't even know what to say about his shots either.

At least I have my cute little circle of fellas whom I really know of.
The self-development articles I have been reading state a same statement: cherish what you have and keep them closer.

Thus I cherish my fellow Shooters whom I know their real life and personality. It's no longer about comments, it's about fellowship.

Oh and my re-enlightenment stated that I shall not measure my performance with numbers, instead I have to keep on pushing myself beyond the limit.

If there were miracles, my former self would come to me and slapped me for going in the wrong direction. I shall keep my path just like how I did many months ago and persist with the path.

Few more screenshooting sessions to go and I will continue to the last part: post-processing.

Cheerio for now !

Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Short Break From The Project

I take a break from my project. Let's say that I don't have the energy for stitching. No worries, I will continue it soon :B

Screenshooter's Note:
That's the black-white style for the project.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Conversation with Karenina

PJ: "Hey ya Nina, watcha doin'?"

Nina: "Trying another hairpin. Is there something you want to talk about?" *hairpin*

PJ: "I want to book you after I finish my project with Dee. You will be featured in the next p.¡.x.!.dography project. What say ya?"


Inspired by Yao Ming's smiley face.

Anyways, my Muse and Vibe have returned. I'm continuing my current project with Dee. Of course, this post is a hint that after I finish the project, I will continue another one with Karenina.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Still Breathing Here

Take a gander over here, an update!
It's been a week since my last post rant, that means ten days since my last real update of my screenshooting.

This emotion still lingers, although it has lessened a bit. I really thank you the supportive fellow Shooters who supported me, such support is meaningful for my well being. On another note, there is still one person who still can't understand about my grudge against my so-called "friends", and still think that I'm still being chipper. Knock knock on your forehead.. It's not always a sunny day in my mind..

Two of the fellow Shooters gave me ideas about creating a new character and let the emotion flow with it, unclogging my brainfrakked mind by unleashing it while shooting. The ideas did work, as now I can sense the presence of Muse and get the vibe back, although I haven't got to the minimum level of vibe to carry on my screenshooting project.

Screenshooter's Note:
I simply name her "Victim", as she's a reflection of my past being a victim of unjust and I do crave for revenge. It's best to contain this deep hatred and not let it blow out.. you know what I mean <_<"
Ah yes, I also plan to tweak and create the human counterpart of her (with a proper name, that's for sure).

Saturday, May 14, 2011

A Social Reject Indeed.

Alright, as of this moment, I am now literally cut out from social circle.
I don't have Facebook anymore, I also don't have any Twitter account.

This is caused by my existence is virtually ignored by many. Now I wonder why I even accepted my so-called "friends" invitation to Facebook.

Almost all of my plea for helps were not returned, only just a few good fellas did help me. You can count them with one hand.

Is my life miserable? Maybe, maybe not.
I didn't choose myself being a social reject. The society itself has chosen to ignore my existence. I guess they don't require my contribution, eh?

So, that does it.
If the so-called "friends" tell me that I ignore them, I shall remind them that it was their choice to ignore me first.

This rant is not caused by a one day incident, it has been accumulated for years.

I guess I am a misanthrope. I didn't choose being a misanthrope, yet the society gave me no other alternative.

Let it be this way.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

B&W Experimental Shots

I've been studying and analysing Ilya Rashap's photography shots, many of them are black-white shots; or precisely dual-tone shots, because they are not purely black and white but with a slight tint of coloration along red to yellow hue, although the desaturation level is high (almost gray-ish).

I also experimented in high-key lighting, but.. I think I fail at it, maybe because I prefer to have apparent shadows in each of my shots.

Anyways, as many Shooters always say before posting: "Click to enlarge."

Monday, May 9, 2011

Pint-Sized Perfection

As planned, this is my finished screenshooting project.



Paying The Debt (Part 4 of 4)

And... another of Kirani's screenshooting session.
It was fun. By fun, I mean.. it was REALLY FUN!
I have never pulled such most comfortable session ever!

This is probably my favourite genre, you know.. glamour shots. Although the old bloke would still judge me due to my screenshooting style and preferences, I honestly love glamour genre. I will do it again, just for the sake of revenge.

Paying The Debt (Part 3 of 4)

Karenina Kirani, my current flagship character.
Truth be told, she's my first character who I put lots of effort in sculpting her face. I created the basic head stats in CS based on photos of Emanuela de Paula. Afterward, I continued sculpting using the in-game chargen sliders showracemenu.

Anyways, the first pic is unedited. That's how she really look like in the game.

Paying The Debt (Part 2 of 4)

These were the shots I created as a tribute to BlackBaron2 who converted the Draping Top for Roberts and Fantasy Figures. It was a great collaboration between me and him. I guess he didn't realize why I could learn such texturing in a dazzling fast time. The answer lies on coffee... and lots of it in the midnight! xD

Paying The Debt (Part 1 of 4)

Ah.. Pinter and Dewi Anggun.
Quite a combination, really.
Credit goes to Yevic's Inn mod, located in Orange Road.. if I get them right..
It's a nice inn. Keep up the modding, matey!

Dat Azz (and some bit of clarification about my neutrality)

As many of you have known before (at least the ones who know me well from the forums), I tolerate many kind of shots, including nudity and sex. The ones I prefer not to look at are pedophilia and other tasteless shots.
This is due to my background for having involved in the rainbow community, hence I'm pretty much open and tolerate many things.

Ironically, due to my neutrality, I have (as always being an underdog) been targeted by many shooters due to my indifference.
If I put comments on female nude shots, a fellow will say that I'm an anti-feminist, mainstreamist, and not supporting the gays.
If I make shots about dudes and comment on shots involving males, another fellow will say that my gender personality is disputed.

All in all, I don't frakkin' care. Please do put aside any political correctness perspective and get down to something every Shooters shall focus on, screenshooting.

When screenshooting is affected by some idealism, it's no longer screenshooting, it's a propaganda in promoting the ideology.
On another note, I still remember when an old bloke kept on telling me about how screenshooting should be done. This issue is resolved though, as I have stood up against him and he didn't like it. So.. he left, literally. So much for being the so-called "wise elder" and "artistic critics", aye?

Anyways, here are the shots about dudes having fun with themselves.

More to come for today, because I plan to post all of my shots before posting my recently finished screenshooting project.

Correction of a vocabulary "anti-feminist".
Thanks to BB for the correction ^_^
And also thank you for the support º(^^)º